Extras included in your passes

Collegiate Shag for Beginners (Friday)

Learn the basics of this fun and fast dance from Sandy & Fancy, two of the top teachers and shag dancers.

Included with the Friday party entrance and the Party Pass.

Special Guest: Moncell Durden (Saturday)

Join the free class before the Saturday party and immerse yourself in Moncell Durden’s vast knowledge and experience of 20th century African American dances. 

Included with the Party Pass.

Print bike - T-Shirts

Print your own T-Shirt

Lino will be on the upper floor of the workshop location (Turnhallen Neufeld) with his print bike. He will bring t-shirts in various sizes and colors and four different prints from which you can design your own t-shirt. You can also bring your own cotton shirts and customize them with the prints.

  • T-Shirt with one print: CHF 28
  • T-Shirt with two prints: CHF 33
  • Print on your own garment: CHF 10
Preordered T-Shirts

If you have preordered a t-shirt, you will be able to pick it up at the Friday and Saturday parties. During “rush hour”, there will be an extra table for t-shirt pick up in the gallery in the dancer’s market. Once most people have checked in, you will find them at the check-in desk.

Of course, you can further customize your t-shirt on the print bike if you wish.


Your feet hurt? How about a massage?

Anja and Gregor from Relaaax will be giving Californian neck and back massages and Ayurvedic foot massages on the lower floor of the workshop location (Turnhallen Neufeld). There are special prices for dancers. Find out more about their offer and prebook your massage slot on their website.

Access code / password: happyfeet

For spontaneous massage needs, you will also be able to sign up directly at the festival.

Dancer's Market

If you get tiered during the parties at the Theater National, check out the upper gallery with its comfy chairs perfect for a power nap or go and browse through the dancer’s market with its super shiny safety pants or slidey dance shoes.

Nuristella’s Fancy Safety Pants

Nuristella‘s safety pants are super comfortable, beautifully cut and glitter wonderfully on the dance floor, making them an absolute eye-catcher. These pants can and should be seen!

They are designed by local dancer and costume designer Nuria Trüb and handmade in her studio in the center of Bern. Customization and special requests can also be taken into account when ordering.

Nuria will be in the gallery of the Theater National. If you have a dress with straps that slip, bring it along and she will sew in strap holders directly on site for CHF 15.

Nuria also makes custom-made dresses, especially for dancers. So don’t hesitate to make an appointment with her if you would like to have an individually designed garment made.

Photos by Micha Richard

slide&swing Dance Shoes

Donatella from Lindy Market – shoes, clothes and accessories for lindy hop lovers will be at Leapin’ Lindy with the popular slide&swing dance shoes. Check out her assortment here.

Vintage Hairstyling

Get ready for a long night out by letting the professional hairstylist Anita Zbinden style or optimize your hairdo. You will find her in the Gallery of Theater National on Saturday (18:00-22:00).

– CHF 20 (optimizing hairdo)
– CHF 40 (half updo)
– CHF 55 (full updo)
For pre-booking contact: +41 77 469 36 04

Saint Savoy Dancewear

Saint Savoy is bringing a special selection of the finest dance shoes to Leapin’ Lindy! Be sure to get your favourite pair there or try them on and order online with a special Leapin’ Lindy discount. If you want to try on a specific model or have any other requests, contact Saint Savoy in advance at office@saintsavoy.com